Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Once Again Into the Fray

Over the last nine, yes I believe it has been at least nine, months I have been divorced from the world almost entirely. This was partially by choice, and partly by circumstances. That is not entirely true, to be certain my work took me "out off and away" from the real world but it was my choice to make no attempt to stay connected. If you are an old reader then you know full well what I do as a profession and I have no intention on commenting on any of my activities or thoughts related to those activities here and now.

I do not know for instance any of what occurred in the election. I did vote for Chuck Baldwin via absentee ballot but as for the rest of that nonsense I do not have a clue. I know that gas prices soared and have now fallen and that the misinformed masses now rejoice. I have a theory as to what has occurred but I have not read anything or heard anything proposing a theory supported by facts. (I suspect that the administration dug into the strategic reserves prior to the election but I could be off base). I do not know what songs are popular ( I have enjoyed my select music on my IPOD when time permitted but those are things written and sung long ago). I could not begin to tell you anything that occurred in the sports world, I know the olympics occurred but that is it. I have not looked at a newspaper, read a blog, searched news on the net or even engaged in a conversation about current events outside of my bubble for several months. That is the strike me down right here truth.

I have read several books, all by long dead authors. I have thought a lot. I am not even certain that I still retain whatever feeble skills at conveying thoughts in writing I might once have had. Everything I have written over the last several months has been short, concise and primarily bulleted.

One thing has become infinitely clearer to me as I have thought of things great and small during quiet and not so quiet moments these last few months. All problems and issues can be essentially boiled down into one fundamental issue; immorality. The seven deadly sins have essentially been turned into virtues respected by our society.

Of particular note is our redfining meaning ofredefined sloth. Do not misread me, the others are genuinely disturbing, but sloth has engendered a sense of entitlement. Self-reliance, self-responsibility and self-discipline are no longer required - we are lazy and expect that someone else will fix it, whatever "it" is in any particular situation. We so easily accept the notion that bigger is better as applied to any circumstance. I see this in my job continually, in large and small things. This is of course just a micro view of the prevailing attitude almost everywhere. As a collective we look askew at the individual that stands up in his little piece of the world and states that he can handle his own issues.

I decided not to stay connected to the world because I know that fundamentally it is impossible to argue with almost anyone about the state of the world so long as they live and breath inside the paradigm of how things are. To most the world is made up of simplicities - a political system that presents two teams, complete with mascots; and a view of the economy that revolves around their paycheck, their petroleum bill and their welfare.

Who wants to talk about fundamental issues? Most that understand them tune out the truth in the secure knowledge that nothing at all can be done to change things.

I do not know the answer to that question - but the truth is out there and it should be stated over and over by as many as have a voice to state it. So I am back, and that is all I have to say about that.

1 comment:

  1. And I for one am glad you're back, El Cid. Don't let it go to your head, but I am convinced, more so as time goes on, that voices such as yours are direly needed. And what's more, that the readership of tradtionalist conservative writers everywhere will be increasing.

    Regarding your main point, however: ditto. All political problems are at heart spiritual ones.
