Friday, September 22, 2006


Here is a video showing kids worshiping before a cardboard cutout of Dub-yuh. Modern church liturgy is drenched in idolatry. While this is certainly a bit far fetched for most services in general (except on perhaps July 4, the most holy day of America-worshipers) I believe it is idolatry to even have a flag in the sanctuary, let alone tailor ones service to "America this" and "America that." This is frighting.

Yes, the anchor interviews a pinko-commie feminist which preserves the lie that one either belongs to group A or to group B when in reality, both groups are built on opposite ends of the same neo-Marxist statist ideology. The church has become politicized to the point that it's only power as a change agent will lie in coercion through the political sphere, not through the Gospel of Christ.

I am not disagreeing that abortion should be outlawed nor am I condoning sodomite couplings. However, the only solutions that the church offers are political through more government regulation when government intervention is part of the problem. What most fail to recognize is that sodomite couplings didn't arive overnight - the problem is not as simplistic as some make it out to be (i.e. simplistic inasmuch as a law prohibiting sodomite couplings will solve the problem). The time for self determination is now...


  1. Have you checked out comments-(abortionclinnicdays)-the reality show.

  2. Gosh, I absolutely do not know what to even begin to think of this. Why on earth the picture of GW? Why on earth the comparison with radical religious fanatics in the Muslim world. (Do they really want to go so far as to copy those folks) These folks certainly have gone astray in their enthusiasm.
