Monday, December 10, 2007

Environmentalist Nutjobs

From the LewRockwell blog:

A news report informs us of a proposal by Barry Walters in the "Medical Journal of Australia," for a $5,000 tax on every baby born to couples with more than two children, plus an $800 a year "carbon tax." What a bully, to punish newborn babies in this way! Come on, Barry, pick on someone your own size!

All of this is designed to compensate for the "profligate consumption of resources" caused by humanity. This is but the most recent example of the environmentalists' version of "original sin": we humans don't really belong on this planet; we are trespassers upon the lands and waterways rightfully belonging to other species; and, unless we manage to destroy ourselves through political means, we should at least compensate our victims (who?) in the interim.

Perhaps Mr. Walters looks forward to an appointment as "Handicapper General" in some Al Gore Worldwide State system, wherein he will be put in charge of assessing how much each of us will be forced to pay for the privilege of existing on this planet! In the meantime, might I encourage men and women of his misanthropic disposition to demonstrate the sincerity of their convictions in this matter: let them begin a voluntary association, and whenever a baby is born, have a member of such group commit suicide, so as to offset the differential of the new birth!

By the way, I long ago learned that human beings - among others - emitted carbon dioxide as a byproduct of the respiratory process, and that plants took in such CO2 as part of their photosynthesis. In exchange for all of this, plants emitted oxygen for our intake. This symbiotic process has worked quite well for the life process for millions of years on the planet. Are the environmentalists - like other collectivists - just trying to destroy another marketplace expression?

Looks like they are "upping the ante" again. These environmentalists take an observable fact like global warming and attach so many false implications and false science to it in an attempt to scare people into compliance. Does anyone remember when global cooling was the trend? There are so many obvious questions and observations which should be considered such as the global heating/cooling trend throughout history and the sun. Why is it always about the pestilence of mankind causing these things rather than the more likely cause the sun?

Don't get me wrong. I don't believe that we ought to purposefully pollute and I do believe that we ought to take care of our natural world but the best way to do this is through private property rights.

When I think of environmentalism, the last thing that comes to my mind is rational thought and civilized discourse like this demonstrates:

Finally, here is a documentary that caused a huge wave of debate:

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