Friday, November 10, 2006

Union Buffoonery

For those that do not know - "y'all" can be used to refer to an individual or a group.  Don't quibble over grammar, I am speaking of specific usage in many areas.  "All y'all" and "y'all all" refers to a group and is used just as regularly as the singular/plural option.

Here is an example:

Johnnie to Sally: "Y'all take care".  In this instance Johnnie is speaking to the only other person present, Sally, but he means much more than for Sally to take care of only herself.  In this usage Johnnie is extending his well-wishes to Sally and her family - even though the family is not physically present.  In locations where this sort of usage occurs family means a lot.

When used in the manner of "all y'all" or y'all all" it is meant to refer to distinct individuals within a group.  In locations where variations of "y'all" are used in the traditional sense individuality has a significant importance - even when someone is part of a group.

I heard today of a lawsuit filed against a manager in a firm located in DC concerning the use of the phase "y'all all".  It seems the manager told a group of union employees "y'all all need to get to your stations".  Needless to say when confronted with such a racist assault the union employees dutifully filed a complaint with their union.  The union then did what any good communist organization would do - they sued the bourgeoisies manager and the company.

I do not deny that people have the right to organize into any groups they wish; fraternal, union, country club etc.  I am also no lover of giant corporations.  However, businesses ought not be forced to deal with or negotiate with anyone concerning employee issues that is not an employee.  Also, if one employee wishes to bring grievances for a group to management then the company ought to have the right to evaluate that particular employee's usefulness.  If they deem him/her a trouble-maker they should be able to fire them forthwith.

There are many myths surrounding the nobility and purpose of unions - Walter Block takes many of those false assumptions to task.

In my opinion and observation unions serve no benefit to the economy in general, create job loss/displacement, and advance communist objectives - they have no place in a just society.

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