Sunday, June 20, 2010

Some Light Reading on Father's Day

I sat down to do a bit of light reading and a Google search took me to these words from Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, Ret.:
From this time forward the people of this nation will not know a day of peace, there will be no good news, each bad day will fade into another equally bad day, and the black and ghostly apparitions of the former will blend with the grim and ghastly tidings of the new. The Lord has departed from a people that have departed from Him and prostituted themselves before heathen gods, a people who will in the coming days loathe themselves for the evils that they have committed in all of their abominations. They will surely know that He is the Sovereign God who will carry out His word to do evil unto them that defy His word and deny His Lordship over all of creation.
The great spiritual sickness that has settled across this land has progressed beyond the limits of a cure; a pagan people have spurned the divine corrective persuasions visited upon a sinful nation, and the loving God who sent them has been disdained and blasphemed. The day of reckoning is at hand.
I do not know the sheriff and the site that he posted these words is new to me....but I can say that my daddy would have agreed and I have come to believe that my father was right about most things. 

Happy Father's day to all that have been blessed with the greatest responsibility God can bestow upon a man.

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