Wednesday, November 07, 2007

How to setup a Quasi-Theocratic Dictatorship-Pat Robertson backs Giuliani

Not to be shocked or surprised that christian right evangelist Pat Robertson has endorsed Rudy Giuliani. I guess he had to abstain from making his selection until he saw which way the big money (Wall Street) was going. Oh, were you aware that "reverend" Robertson was given $14 million "faith-based" grant from the federal government? Yeah, baby, there's a lot more money to be made than just passing a plate once a week! It's good to get the counterfeit christian charlatans like Robertson out of the closet now. It'll line up the enemies of freedom even clearer in our sights for firing off our Truth Pellets.
Pat Robertson Backs Giuliani's Bid

Now, even better is this site Faith-based Watch, Media Transparency CBN (700 Club) raked in a whopping $462,563,151 in revenue for 2004! Take that in the face you Ron Paul Christians!

When you realize the significance of distributing over $19 million to selected religious organizations you can begin to construct the mosaic of control Robertson's subversive christianity has over local churches and their pastors. Bona fide Christians best look within their own places of worship. Start your own Know Your Church program!

Robertson was even invited to address the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) on January 26, 1987. His subject matter? How the UN could be reformed!

Robertson has long craved national prominence. After losing his own bid for the presidency he threw his support to George-the-Elder.

So what's to know?

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure that Robertson lost most all relevance and all (not that there was much) credibility by about 1989. He has now killed any respect I might have had for him (from way back,) between endorsing "Goolianie" and calling Jury Nullification an "insidious practice" in his supreme court book. The man (term used loosely) is a wannabe theocratic tyrant. Odd that his old Iowa campaign manager now runs the Iowa Ron Paul Campaign...oh, wait- Drew Ivers HAS a clue of what freedom could be like.
