Monday, December 04, 2006

Someone Should Tell Congress

A quote from George Nichols, a Virginian that worked on the committee that drafted that states ratification of the 1788 Constitution (snagged from a Thomas Woods post)

"If thirteen individuals are about to make a contract, and one agrees to it, but at the same time declares that he understands its meaning, signification and intent, to be, what the words of the contract plainly and obviously denote; that it is not to be construed so as to impose any supplementary condition upon him, and that he is to be exonerated from it, whensoever any such imposition shall be attempted –- I ask whether in this case, these conditions on which he assented to it, would not be binding on the other twelve? In like manner these conditions will be binding on Congress. They can exercise no power that is not expressly granted them."

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