Sunday, December 10, 2006

Take That Tree Down!

SEA-TAC Airport - All of the Christmas trees inside the terminal at Sea-Tac have been removed in response to a complaint by a rabbi.

A local rabbi wanted to install an 8-foot menorah and have a public lighting ceremony. He threatened to sue if the menorah wasn’t put up, and gave a two-day deadline to remove the trees.

Sea-Tac public affairs manager Terri-Ann Betancourt said the trees that adorn the Sea-Tac upper and lower levels may not properly represent all cultures.

She said that since this is their busiest time of year and they don't have time to add a fair representation of all cultures, her department decided to take down all of the decorations, review their policies, and decide if they need to make a change for next year.

I am no fan of SEA TAC Airport - it is the only place in the world where I have been personally protested - and you all know I am and always have been opposed to the war in Iraq, I just don't like a bunch of limp-wrists actually protesting me!

Also, I hold no misconceptions that Christmas trees represent anything more and the secularized version of Christmas for most people. But really that is beside the point. If most Americans have as part of their culture a secular version of Christmas then they should be allowed that - if many of us understand the real meaning of Christmas, good for us. The notion that multicultural correctness should take away even something as simple as a tree - an item that is clearly part of "American" Culture is ridiculous. The menorah may be part of Jewish culture, and there may be many Jews that are Americans. But here is the point - the menorah is not part of American Culture and the desire of a subculture to trump the general culture with their demands for multiculturalism should fall on deaf ears.

1 comment:

  1. This rabbi needs to get a LIFE!
    Hey rabbi! Shut the door on your way out----SCROOGE!
