Monday, December 15, 2008

Dystopia By Good Intentions

If a dystopian nightmare of the totalitarian state finally arrives in the United States, it will be the result of a compromise, and there will be people around until the very end who will insist that we should be grateful because it could be much worse...

There is only one sure way that you can know you are on the right side of history, and that is by saying what is true and defending what is right, without exception. It is not left to intellectuals to play political games. Intellectuals are supposed to tell the truth, regardless of the moment. That means, in these days, completely opposing all increases in state power under the cover of "countercyclical policy."

Let evil people take responsibility for their evil policies. Those who know better should stick to the right and true. (Lew says "Don't Cave")

There are indeed many existing and emerging justifications for the revolt Celente spoke those of us in our 30's and 40's our grandparents fought fascism and tyranny - shame on us for allowing those evil ideologies to win via compromise.

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