Monday, January 01, 2007

Forced Consent

Telegraph - Britons flying to America could have their credit card and email accounts inspected by the United States authorities following a deal struck by Brussels and Washington.

By using a credit card to book a flight, passengers face having other transactions on the card inspected by the American authorities. Providing an email address to an airline could also lead to scrutiny of other messages sent or received on that account.

The extent of the demands were disclosed in "undertakings" given by the US Department of Homeland Security to the European Union and published by the Department for Transport after a Freedom of Information request.

If you have not figured it out already, the way this works is we do things like this to "them" first and then we do it to ourselves.

Despite what I may believe about the rights of citizens versus non-citizens our legal precedence is such that the Bill of Rights applies equally to all persons within the United States. A program such as this is a clear violation of those rights - and the kicker is that if we can so easily violate the rights of non-citizens it is an easy step to trample the rights of citizens as well. The goons at the Department of Homeland Insecurity Security know this full well.

Our federal gestapo would love nothing more than to be able to dig, unfettered, through the lives and affairs of anyone and everyone they please.

The military has long practiced the notion that a person consents to the abridgement of certain rights simply by deciding to enter a military base. This is of course all in the name of "security". So now the concept is applied to folks wishing to enter the country - take this to its natural conclusion, living and doing business might be defined as "consent" and eventually we all may have to give up all of our rights just to operate in society. All in the name of security.

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