Sunday, January 07, 2007

Going Wide is Looney, But Consider Who is in Charge

Daniel Larison in his concluding comments yesterday related to the Robert Tracinski essay -the "go wide theory" - that I commented on 04 January states:

Why anyone else takes it as something other than the ravings of a looney, I will never know.

He makes an effective argument that such a course of action is just plain stupid, would not brief well to the rest of the world, could not be executed effectively and would not have the desired results. All thinking men know these things but that in no way affects the "deciders" decisions.

I cannot seem to get access to comment on his blog but here is what I would say if I could:

Well perhaps these are looney ravings, but I actually believe that there are enough looney people in power to make these sort of ideas dangerous.

I think the gears have been turned and events set in motion to make the possibility of a unilateral attack early this year a distinct possibility and have laid out my reasoning here, here, here and here.

Only time will tell if event contrive to allow these looney folks to actually execute - but I think that the evidence stands that they would actually like to carry out an attack, they think it would help matters and preparations have been made to actually execute such an event.

With Israel now threatening to strike unilaterally and use tactical nukes in the process, Bush may indeed feel he has no option but to act first and save our little "friend" the trouble such an action would cause them.

And to anyone that really thinks the Democrats would stop all of this, just listen to their words:

Iran with nuclear weapons is unacceptable, new House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told The Jerusalem Post hours after entering the party leadership position.

The Maryland Democrat said the view is shared by his party, rejecting assertions that the Democrats would be weaker than the Republicans on Iran.

He also said that the use of force against Teheran remained an option.

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