Sunday, October 15, 2006

Conservative Talk Radio

Are you now or have you ever been a ditto-head?

Well I suppose you know that ditto-heads are the regular listeners/supporters of Rush Limbaugh. I use him as a representative of O’Reilly, Doyle, Ingraham, Savage, Beck and the thousands of small time "conservative" radio talkers who shall for the sake of time remain unnamed.

I was a regular listener in college (1986-1990), I don't remember when Limbaugh first came on the air but I am certain I was right there listening. I continued to listed throughout the early 1990's but after the Gulf War I was no longer a ditto-head.

During the Clinton years I listened because conservative radio did a fine job of articulating what was wrong. Don't misunderstand me, I was already freed of any attachment to Limbaugh's philosophy. I recall an afternoon in the early 90's when I first heard him preach the virtues of Lincoln's kind of government and I knew then and there the man was no real conservative. But, as I said, he did speak out against the socialist, morally corrupt dhimmis during the dark middle 90's, so I listened from time to time.

Here is Bill Losapio's take on conservative radio then and now.

When the socialist Democrats held the reigns of power, the message from these talkers, led by Limbaugh, nailed the collectivist power-mongers to the cross. A massive power shift subsequently occurred in National politics where the left has seen its socialist wealth-redistribution rhetoric fall flat on a more informed populace. As opponents of this idiocy, conservative radio talkers were outstanding. Talk radio, along with the Internet, paved the way for “Independence Day,” to quote talker and co-host of Fox News Network’s “Hannity and Colmes” show, Sean Hannity. This “Independence Day” was to see the sun set on the Socialist big-government policies held by the Democrats long fattened by their decades of controlling the feed into the federal trough. Small government, a cornerstone of modern conservatism, would blossom. Broken, tyrannous, un-Constitutional, money-sinkhole programs like the Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and the IRS would be tossed on the ash heap of history where they rightly belong. Funding into the Socialist Tyrants Club, the United Nations, would end. Commerce, wealth, and freedom would take root. Confiscatory taxes would drop precipitously, allowing everyone more opportunity to create wealth and prosperity. Less government intrusion into Joe Citizen’s life would be the norm. Read more...

I absolutely could not have said it better myself. I recall thinking to myself after the very odd presidential election in 2000 "what the heck will these guys have to talk about now". I suppose that six years later it is obvious, conservative radio has become nothing more than apologist for neoconservative policies and actions. They act like rabid attack dogs, beating non-issues into the ground, attacking any and all that dare question current policy and basically advocating the very thing I detected way back in 1992 - a Lincoln style national government with extraordinary powers and the proclivity to use the military to go about crushing vineyards and grapes of wrath.

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