Saturday, October 14, 2006

Socialist Democrats and Fascist Republicans

Whenever some well-meaning conservative Christian takes issue with one of my columns chronicling the abysmal governing record of Republicans, he or she almost always exclaims, "Think how bad it would be if Democrats were in charge." The fact is, however, there has been no redemption in having the GOP in charge of the entire federal government.

The argument of voting for the lesser of two evils, meaning Republicans, loses its credence when one examines the record. And the record is clear: the GOP has developed a philosophy tantamount to fascism. Consider the following recent developments. Read the rest of this article by Chuck Baldwin

I have no illusion that anything I write will make friends with folks that proclaim loyalty to the GOP. Many of those people probably believe that people like me are the real problem. "if folk like me could only just compromise, support the right team - then we could finally put those dhimmis in their place".

Well gosh, Chuck Baldwin has it exactly right, what real choice do either of the two major parties offer? We have socialist Democrats (with fascist tendencies) and fascist Republicans (with socialist tendencies). Think for a moment that this is not true? Then please point me to real facts or articulate in the comments below how the GOP has stood true to the limited scope intended for the Federal Government.

I am a states' rights advocate but in reality the whole notion of states' rights is ludicrous in our current environment. When we are facing issues like the USA Patriot Act, domestic spying, the Military Commissions Act of 2006 and the virtual death of habeas corpus who has time to worry about the rights of our various states?

(well maybe states' rights is the answer, if we had legislatures in our various states that were willing to defend the original compact and stand up against Federal encroachments AND if the citizenry really cared about their liberty...but alas neither of these requirements are present)

So I attack the flawed policies of the GOP, which includes almost every one of their policies. Their position on social, economic, legal, constitutional and foreign policy fails to meet the criteria of a true paleoconservative agenda in every case.

Fear not GOP followers, if the Democrats were in power (I should say, when they take power this fall and again in two years) I will speak out against their moonbat social programs and mamby-pamby foreign policy. To me there is no difference in the two parties, other than where they want to spend my money and what sector of the Federal government they wish to expand.

Here is a pretty good (but far from complete) articulation of how stupid party loyalty (GOP or DEM) really is and how absurd their infighting is - they are first cousins for crying out loud.


  1. Found you via digg, and I just wanted to say, "Right on!"

  2. The sad truth is, the unelected burecracy has the most power over us. So whoever we vote for, the IRS and their ilk are still in control.
