Saturday, October 28, 2006

Restituo Latin

Here is one that will make folks like Jack Chick wild with conspiracy theories and probably make Hal Lindsey a bunch of money (so he can afford another wife).

Joshua points us to an initiative to make Latin the official working language of the European Union. This actually does make a lot of sense. He points out the ease in which folks that speak a Romance language should have in learning Latin and in his words:

as a "dead" language, although new vocabulary may be added, old words do not change their meanings, as they do in languages with native speakers. Thus, a document produced today would be clearly understandable to people a millennium or two in the future.

Of course then there is the very real possibility of Latin Mass returning to Sunday services for Catholics.

I smell a nefarious conspiracy!

End-of-times sort of folks are already convinced that the real enemy in the world will come from Europe via a resurrected Roman Empire (perhaps they never stopped to consider that the American Empire is akin to a resurrected Rome). This will only add fuel to their fires.

Jack- fire up the printing press and get some tracts out on this one.

Hal - I see a sweet book deal, perhaps you can dump wife (what 5 or 6) and upgrade to a newer model on this news.

While I dislike the EU, NAU, UN and sometimes the county council I am not particularly opposed to the revival of Latin. (I need some justification for the time I spent studying it as a young man!) Considering that more than half of Africa, all of South and Central America and Western and Southern Europe speak languages that sprang from Latin this just makes sense (economically and functionally) for the EU.

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